Vigil ANTy

Yep, when I saw this photo of Ant-man I thought, nevermind a photo of ants, this will do nicely. So awesome. So funny. This one makes me smile and laugh forsure. Photo credit goes to user Johnny Gutierrez. 

So last year our plight was white mold. This year it’s ants. In the 7 years we’ve lived in this suite we’ve never had either of these things occur before. Combined with everything else going on around us, It’s as if life got the 7 year itch and said, “I’m out. Take care of yourself.” I jest, but it is kind of strange, and I don’t enjoy plagues.

So as the ants storm their way in underneath our front door I’m being a vigil aunty. Or ANTy If you’re feeling fun. Andrew’s dad said to get some Borax spray as it’s perfectly safe for humans and animals, but it will kill aunts. I mean ants. I hope it doesn’t kill aunts! Andrew sprayed way too much hairspray today. That might kill aunts.

I don’t like bugs in my home! They bug me! Andrew was laughing at me last night as I hunkered down in front of the door and pounced on said invaders. At least that’s the way he saw it. I may have got too into it. As one ran for cover under the baseboard I may have said, too proudly, “It fears me.” Don’t ask!!!! I don’t normally take joy in being feared. It was an off moment for me, but Andrew found it quite funny. Of course, he had to phone his mom. (lol) He always phones his mom! This time, however, it wasn’t because he had made me laugh. It was because I had made him laugh. Yay! I win! 

Fear me! I’m going to blame this one on being isolated too long. Andrew and I we’re doing this shut-in thing before it became, unfortunately, so trendy, so don’t judge. Just pray that we don’t turn to the dark side.

The year was 2006. Maybe it was 2007. There were no ant infiltrations back then. However, bees were on the rise and there was fire in her eyes.

17 thoughts on “Vigil ANTy

    1. Haha… 😃 I used to make videos. I had some on my blog before, but I discovered that barely anyone looks at pages so I removed them. I haven’t felt well enough to make new ones in years, though. I’ve thought about it. I may post a couple of my old videos one day…or aim for new ones. I’m just not there yet. ☺

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    1. Oh! I think we have some of that! We bought some when we had flees in our suite from the cat that we let in years ago. I’ll have to take a look. We couldn’t find Borax at the store today. Thanks for letting me know Kiki!

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  1. For several years we had what they called Pharaoh ants. They were tiny things, amber colored and almost the color of my countertop. They were like they were made of iron or something. I don’t like killing bugs with my bare fingers, so I take a piece of paper towel and press down hard, twist it around and lift it off. Those little beggars would just get up and walk away! They made nests and you can have up to 3000 (yes, thousand) in ONE nest. The get in where it’s warm including behind electrical outlet plates. They were horrible. Well, finally I saw the end of those only to have the cockroaches move in. Not sure which is worse. They would disappear for a while, then I would see them again. But since COVID, I haven’t had any. Maybe they all died of the virus! 🙂 I hope I have seen the last of them. When I first lived here (I have been in this apartment for 43 years) I had a plague of weevils. They hatched under the labels on my cans, were everywhere. Haven’t had any of those for years thankfully. So I seem to be bug-free now and I hope this is how it will stay. I hate bugs inside or outside, but especially outside. Have a great week Tina.


    1. Oh wow! That’s a lot of nasty bug problems. I’d go crazy. Our ants are black and very tiny too. You have a great week, as well, Diane!


    1. Yes, the ants are driving me crazy. I have to work on that project today. They’re tiny little things, but they’ve made it to the kitchen. Not a lot of them, but I’d like to keep it this way!

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