Try, Try, Try Again

I wrote this back in February. I almost threw out the baby with the bathwater again! It isn’t that this piece is unpromising… It’s just that it’s still in progress. I added some up to date thoughts at the end.

February 2020,

*Groan* Last Thursday I stood in the kitchen and let out my objection. I didn’t realise that it was audible until Andrew said, “Squawk!” and laughed at me. It wasn’t a squawk! Whatever it was, he heard it.

I made the decision to try doing the protein shake thing again, but my brain wasn’t with it and my body was drained. The easier thing would have been to just grab some fruit, as I too often do when I wake up beat. I groaned in protest because I really wanted to choose the easiest option. However, I felt that I should choose the more challenging one. *groan*

I don’t hate discipline. (In theory.) I actually think it’s a great thing, but my body was disagreeing, partly because my brain was so cloudy, but mostly because I hate the idea of doing anything in vain.

I tried this once before in hopes that it might boost my energy. (It was my dad’s suggestion.) When I hit another rough patch, however, I gave up on it quickly.

It took me a while to even locate the blender. From now on I’ll just leave it out on the counter. There’s often a solution to make things a little easier, it just takes some thought and action.

When you wake up feeling beat and you’re having trouble figuring out why you’re even in the kitchen, however, everything becomes more challenging and stressful. On my worst days the simplest tasks can quickly cause anxiety.

There have been days when pushing hasn’t even been an option. I can be flat out fatigued to the point of weakness. Then, even breathing and eating becomes exhausting. 

I couldn’t remember if I’d added the orange juice to the blender. Staring at it for a while I finally recalled putting the cap back on the jug. I also noticed that I’d forgotten to insert the blade before I added all of the ingredients. *groan* I didn’t figure I’d be able to simply plunk it into the blender, but I had to be sure, so I gave it a try anyways. (Nope.)

Next I went looking for something to transfer the contents of my blender into, performed that extra task, dropped the blade in, poured the ingredients back into the blender and finally got it running. Mission accomplished.

I can give up on some things too soon. Whereas other things, like my faith and “growing forward” I can remain very stubbornly persistent. Mentally I get discipline, but physically I need more practice and patience. I gave up too soon simply because I didn’t see any benefit. What if this could help long term? For me it’s disappointment or the thought of it, not discipline, that causes me to groan.

However, Scripture reminds us that peace follows pain. It’s not always physical pain. Sometimes it’s a metaphorical mountain that you’ve been trying to climb for what feels like forever. Or a valley that you’ve been stuck in with little hope of escape. Nevertheless, discipline always produces something good. Not necessarily what we want it to, but God does work through our valley’s and there is peace on the other side of it.

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”

Hebrews 12:11

April 2020, 

I gave up on these blinkin’ shakes a while back, but I recently started up again. It’s more like a shmoothy now. I omitted all dairy, but added some fortified coconut milk for the extra vitamins, and some frozen blueberries to make it more refreshing. I’m considering adding some cultured coconut.

I realized something: I wasn’t adding enough protein powder. I was only using half the amount. 

When I did make one with the full 4 tablespoons it didn’t taste so good. In fact, it tasted quite terrible. HOWEVER, I have a new solution. If I divide the recommended amount over two drinks, instead of one, I will get the right amount of protein without the hideous taste. Where there’s a will there’s a way. Will this give my energy a boost? Only time will tell. Now I just have to shtick with it long enough to make a fair assessment. 

It works similarily with spiritual things. Therefore, we have to keep pushing, praying, praising, reading ect. (Matthew 7:7-9) It does pay off. When Jesus comes persistently first, more than peace comes after pain. There’s also joy and delight.

“Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O Lord, God of hosts.”

Jeremiah 15:16(ESV)

15 thoughts on “Try, Try, Try Again

  1. When I read the title of your post it made me think of a little poem by Ogden Nash: If at first you don’t succeed, cry, cry again! I made a smoothie a couple of nights ago and realized after I finished that the top wasn’t completely on. Fortunately everything stayed in the jug. Phew! I keep my blender out all the time. It’s too much trouble to keep going back and forth to the storeroom to get it and put it away. Much easier.


    1. “Cry, cry again” That’s cute! 😃 I agree. It’s good to have everything handy. It works so much better when you wake fatigued and can’t think straight.


  2. Enjoyed the read Tina.
    “discipline always produces something good. Not necessarily what we want it to, but God does work through our valley’s and there is peace on the other side of it.” I really liked that and further you wrote you get more than peace- there is joy and delight.
    Let us persevere in spiritually disciplining ourselves too.
    Manu 😊💙

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  3. “I can give up on some things too soon. Whereas other things … I can remain very stubbornly persistent.” I think this can be true for many of us. But sometimes we give up on the wrong things and sometimes we are persistent with the wrong things. I want to always stay anchored to Jesus so He can give me discernment on the right and wrong things. Thanks for this post. I love how you are always so open and honest. God bless! 💜

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    1. That is so true, Bridget. I wonder how much time is wasted on persistently pursuing that which we should give up, those things we should never have started in the first place. As you have said, the only way to prevent this is to abide in Jesus and walk and live in His discernment. That is the only safe place. May we all be found there, under the shadow of His wings.

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