
Accepting awards makes me bashful, and I wanted to avoid them, but I can’t because people are too kind when they nominate me. 

So here it goes. I first owe Alicia a humble thank you for her Mystery Blogger Award nomination that I tried to side step. 😬 She’s a lovely, down to earth person who writes about her family and faith. ❤ She’s one crafty gal too! 

Next I owe Matt a big thank you for His 10 Of My Favourite Feelings nomination. I didn’t try to avoid this because it wasn’t an award. 😆 Matt writes about Jesus, his health, and his friends and students! He’s a whiz in the kitchen, especially when he uses the popcorn setting on the microwave. 😆

And last, but not least, I owe Muralikrish much thanks for nominating me for the Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award! 😄 Muralikrish writes very insightful posts to help create awareness of the values of life. He is also very supportive and encouraging! 😊

Alicia’s Questions

Why do you write?

If I stop writing I will explode. (Jeremiah 20:9.) Can’t keep it in.

How long have you blogged with WordPress?

Started my original blog in June 2012, but barely used it until September 2017. I like to say that God finally opened the gate and I took off running. 😆

How often do you post blogs?

Right now I blog three days a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Occasionally I do a double post day. Okay, sometimes more than occasionally.

Funny ?: What makes you laugh?

Who knows. Whatever strikes me as funny. It can be a bit random.

Weird ?: Are you a night owl or a morning person?

Neither. I’m an afternoon person. Too tired in the morning and I hit a wall in the evening. Somedays I need to go back to bed.

10 of My Favourite Feelings

God’s Presence

There’s nothing more peaceful than spending time with the Lord. Jesus is the Prince of Peace after all.


When Andrew gets me laughing or vice versa. Or I’m able to get my friends faces shining. And those moments when friends return the favor. 


I love to learn, whether it’s some deep Biblical truth, interesting facts, or something about a friend that I didn’t know. So, yep, that’s an inspiring feeling.


If I can do anything to help or encourage someone this is definitely something that feels good. 


I love writing too much. 😃

Connecting with Someone 

Great conversation, or being able to relate to another human being on some level is good stuff. 

Being Out In Nature

I don’t get out enough, but I haven’t stopped dreaming. If we have the opportunity and means to do a bit of traveling that would definitely be something I’d love to do. 


Giving is always a great feeling!


Mediating on and soaking in God’s word is wonderful. Very awe inspiring. Never grows old. 

Warm and Fuzzy 

I’m not talking about clothing. Although warm and fuzzy clothing isn’t half bad. I’m talking about those moments when someone says something that melts your heart. My heart melts easy. It doesn’t take much.  

Muralikrish’s Questions 

What is your objective behind blogging?

When I first caught the writing bug all I ever wanted was to write for God. I wanted to build others up, encourage and hopefully nudge people closer to Christ. However, blogging has become so much more than this. It’s also my community, my therapy, and it’s one of the ways that I hear from God and grow. 

Which one is important for you among knowledge, success, and wealth?

I would choose knowledge without even blinking an eye! However, it needs understanding to come along with it because knowledge without understanding isn’t much use. 

How do you react when people do not apologize for their mistakes?

This depends on the person. 😃 I can be very patient with most people, but if they are the people closest to me I’m not afraid to say something! The last time Andrew owed me an apology I told him that he better apologize so that I can get over it! 😆 Hey, that helped both of us. 

Which is the most useful invention in this society?

This is a hard one! So many things are useful! Hmmmmm… something practical…. Indoor plumbing? The bath tissue holder? Something has to hold it! 

Which is your most favourite word in English?

This one is hard too! I always get stumped by favorites. I can’t answer this! 😮 Oh wait… I know: Jesus. That one should have been easy. My bad. 😬

I am leaving “10 Of My Favourite Feelings” open to anyone who wants to share. Or Answer any or all of the questions if you’d like! 😊

(Photo credit goes to user Gellinger.)

15 thoughts on “Nominations

  1. Congratulations Tina and loved reading it. I laughed when you said Andrew needs to apologise so you can get over it 😁. And I do agree with you about blogging, it is a way I hear from God too.


  2. Hey Tina, The monkey photo had be giggling before I started reading your answers. 🐵 😊Warm and fuzzy – a great description. Please keep writing, we enjoy it and we don’t want you to explode! ❤😊


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