
I’d never even heard the word “mothra” until Andrew uttered it last week. I thought it was the funniest thing. 

So last week we had the privilege of watching our neighbor’s dog, Charlie. Well… most of it was a privilege. I like to feel useful and she’s a pretty easy dog to dogsit. She does, however, whine about not getting enough treats. Yes, she loves her treats….. She almost pounces on me.  

One night Andrew and I we’re climbing the indoor steps up to our neighbor’s suite when Andrew began to tell me about the moth he saw clinging to the window of our door. He says to me, did you see that moth clinging to our window? Then he proceeds to do quite the imitation of this clingy creature, adding the words, please, I just want to be part of Christmas. 

This was ridiculous and very funny to me. He can be quite animated at times. Then came the word “mothra.” I had to look this one up. You learn something new everyday if you’re paying attention. 

I’m still trying to figure out which celebrity this guy looks like. 

Compassion for those in need…

“Sell your possessions (show compassion) and give [donations] to the poor. Provide money belts for yourselves that do not wear out, an unfailing and inexhaustible treasure in the heavens, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.

Luke 12:33 (AMP)

20 thoughts on “Mothra?

  1. With a bit of face paint, definitely could be in KISS. Bizarrely we were watching a movie at the weekend in which Mothra featured heavily.

    Compassion for those in need is becoming more relevant every single day.

    Have the most wonderful weekend.


    1. Laughing… KISS… that’s a good one. 😁

      Yes, compassion for those in need sure is becoming more relevant every day. You have the most wonderful weekend too, Gary.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Beautiful dog. I used to dog sit years ago. It can be fun, but it can also be a challenge. One of the dogs took seizures, and that wasn’t good. And all 3 of them had to sleep on the bed as close to me as was physically possible, so it made for rather cramped quarters.


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