
Sometimes I’m so surprised by how the Holy Spirit leads. I’ll be focused on one thing… looking for something specific, then He’ll draw my eyes in a totally different direction. I love it when this happens. I’m also so glad that He does. I would miss so much. In those moments I’m quite inspired and feelings of joy and contentment wash over me. It’s a really wonderful feeling. 

Being content in all circumstances is one of my goals, but I can’t reach this goal without the Lord’s help. I can’t find the way on my own. My fickle feelings would get in the way, and sometimes they do. So, yes, when I’m redirected to what I need it is quite amazing. 

Who knew that a piece on fragrance would lead to a lesson on contentment. It was this verse here (Philippians 4:18) that drew my eyes and piqued my curiosity. I had to know! I had to click that link! Then I wanted a deeper insight, so reading Bible commentaries was my next move. I’m glad that I followed that lead. It made me think, but in a good way. Not the sort of thinking I can get myself into on my own. 

Being content is about appreciating what you have and knowing that you have all you need. Always wanting more, or something different, is a sure-fire way to feel quite miserable. The Apostle Paul learned to be content in some of the worst places and circumstances. I definitely see Him as quite the superhero of the faith, but I have no doubt that He had a lot of help gaining that superhero status. Therefore, Paul did bear some pretty fantastic spiritual fruit.

I Have All I Need…

“And now I have everything, and more. I have all I need, because Epaphroditus brought your gift to me. It is like a sweet-smelling sacrifice offered to God, who accepts that sacrifice and is pleased with it.” 

Philippians 4:18

Patient Submission and Hope

“It is a good work to succour and help a good minister in trouble. The nature of true Christian sympathy, is not only to feel concern for our friends in their troubles, but to do what we can to help them. The apostle was often in bonds, imprisonments, and necessities; but in all, he learned to be content, to bring his mind to his condition, and make the best of it. Pride, unbelief, vain hankering after something we have not got, and fickle disrelish of present things, make men discontented even under favourable circumstances. Let us pray for patient submission and hope when we are abased; for humility and a heavenly mind when exalted. It is a special grace to have an equal temper of mind always. And in a low state not to lose our comfort in God, nor distrust his providence, nor take any wrong course for our own supply. In a prosperous condition not to be proud, or secure, or worldly. This is a harder lesson than the other; for the temptations of fulness and prosperity are more than those of affliction and want. The apostle had no design to urge them to give more, but to encourage such kindness as will meet a glorious reward hereafter. Through Christ we have grace to do what is good, and through him we must expect the reward; and as we have all things by him, let us do all things for him, and to his glory.

Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary 

Optional Reading: Blessings and Fruit

23 thoughts on “Contentment

  1. Loved reading the inspiring post,it’s also a blessed post as it speaks of the powers of the Holy Spirit.Thank you very much for sharing .Take care.πŸŒΉπŸ‘πŸ™


    1. I’m glad it was inspiring to you. Yes, it’s definitely wonderful and inspiring when the Holy Spirit moves you and shows you what you need to see. I love that. You take care, too, Francis. ☺


  2. God is so amazing! I love when He speaks to us in this way. And how beautiful that you followed the lead. I have to wonder how many things we might miss if we stay on our own course instead of following the promptings of the Holy Spirit. I pray we can all find the same contentment that Paul found. God bless you, my friend! ❀


    1. Yes, so true! It’s good to pray “Lord, move me when I need to move, and make me stay when I should stay.” Hmmm… I had that one in my old prayer journal. I’m going to write that one down again. It’s a good one to keep praying. God bless you, too, my friend. You are always such a blessing, Bridget. ❀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. It is so true that the Holy Spirit directs us, to move us in the correct direction. Taking time to listen then follow through is our job. Tina, may the Lord’s contentment surround you and give you peace. I always enjoy your posts! πŸŒˆπŸ¦‹πŸŒΌ


  4. Being content in all circumstances is something I am striving to achieve too. And I know that I cannot do it without the Lords help, guidance and redirection.
    Thank you Tina πŸ’™.


  5. Good old contentment….to be honest I often times lack in that area! Sometimes I have these goals in mind and when I don’t see them happening I became frustrated and lose contentment!! Paul’s scripture is a sweet reminder to get us back on track!!!!!!!


    1. Yes, absolutely. Those goals not happening or life feeling like it’s not happening can definitely steal away some contentment. Prayer and the right focus seems to be a good goal. ☺ Thanks for the comment, Ali! ❀

      Liked by 1 person

  6. “Not the sort of thinking I can get myself into on my own”….I’m smiling reading this line. Oh, I wish I become more receptive to His voice, like you ….. I tend to do that kind of thinking on my own a tad too often πŸ™ƒπŸ˜…. Blessed day to you Tina.πŸŽ€πŸ’ŸπŸŽ€πŸ’ŸπŸŽ€πŸ’ŸπŸŽ€πŸ’ŸπŸŽ€


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