Rejoice with Me

Andrew affectionately named her “Princess Mittens.”  Her big white paws and outgoing personality won us over immediately. Unfortunately her visit was short, but it was very sweet.

One evening, as we sat watching T.V., I heard what I thought was a meow.  I asked Andrew if he’d heard it too, then we both listened.  Sure enough another meow came through our open window.

When I opened the door, there she was at the top of the steps.  As I reached the top step, she immediately began to purr and wrap herself around my legs.  My heart melted.  Our sweet surprise was an affectionate kitten.

Little Wanderer

There was no doubt about it, Princess Mittens wouldn’t be spending the night in the dark alone. Fortunately, Grace hadn’t shown up at our door this evening, so there was room at the Inn. As we brought her in, she quickly made herself at home.  

When the lights were turned down our guest became restless.  She vocalized as she wandered round and round our suite.  Andrew spent half the night up with her. Then I told him to go to bed and I took the second shift.

Finally our bunky began to tire.  She’d curl up next to me for a time and rest, but then she’d rise to wander again.

When she began digging in my plants, I finally understood her restlessness.  She was looking for the ladies room. We weren’t equipped with a littler box. Time to think.

I knew we had some potting soil. If she was digging in my plants, surely this would do the trick. So I grabbed a shallow cardboard box, added some soil, then placed it on the floor.  She entered the makeshift ladies room and…

Some privacy, please! 

By the morning I’d already became so fond of this adorable creature. As we watched T.V. she sprawled out on the ottoman as if she owned the joint. If we’d had our way, we would have kept her, but we were certain that somebody had to be missing her.

Lost and Found

We kept our eyes open for missing kitten signs as we drove out that morning to stock our “bed and breakfast.” There at the end of our road was a sign notifying us that “Princess Mittens” was dearly loved and that her daddy was looking for her. We grabbed the phone number, turned the car around, and headed back home to make the call.

It was a bitter-sweet moment.  We were thrilled that we could share the good news that she was found, but we were also sad to see her go.


Her daddy was ecstatic to get the news that she was safe, and amazed that we hadn’t kept her to ourselves. He arrived at our door with a case of iced tea and a great big thank you. Then we were privy to the whole story.

Her true name was “Chips.” She was a little farm cat who hitched a ride on the back of his truck.  When he made a stop at a traffic light in our neighborhood he saw something out of the corner of his eye.  That’s when he spotted his little stow away jump off his vehicle to make her way into the great unknown.  He turned the truck around as soon as he could, but by the time he’d doubled back she was nowhere to be found. 

Wasting no time at all, he was back in the area that evening putting up signs and searching for his favored feline. He wasn’t about to let her go so easily. Does this remind you of anyone? 

Jesus doesn’t take the lost lightly either. In fact, He commisions believers to spread the word about His saving grace, and to share the good news that ALL–regardless of their past transgressions, or the nation they reside–are wanted and loved. He goes searching until the lost are found and then invites us all to rejoice with Him. ❤❤❤❤

Jesus invites Us to Rejoice with Him 

“Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”

Luke 15:3-7

24 thoughts on “Rejoice with Me

  1. If we open our hearts, we are never lost. There is path for us, just got to look out for those signposts. If we miss a turning, more signposts will appear until we do see the light. You should get Al Stewart’s ‘Year of the Cat’ playing out on your blog. ❤️❤️


  2. A sweet story Tina. Bittersweet indeed, glad she was reunited but hard to let go off after she seemed to be so comfortable with you and Andrew. And the lesson you point out – Jesus does not give up on us, he goes after the lost and invites them to rejoice with Him.
    Blessings my friend.


  3. Aw! So sorry you had to see another kitty go. But how sweet that you reunited the sweet kitten with her family. And I love the way this story reminds us of the Lord, never losing sight or hope when it comes to His children. Thanks for this sweet reminder. ♥️🤗🦋


  4. I’m sorry. I thought I commented here. But I don’t see it now! I appreciate this sweet story so much. Although a little sad to say goodbye, what a happy reunion for the Chips dad. And I appreciate the message that Jesus continues to look for us, and brings us home. ♥️🤗🦋


  5. ❤️So bittersweet for you and Andrew….I love how you made the analogy of looking at the big picture with Jesus involved, how He rescues us when we’re lost and gives us hope and purpose.


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