Rejoice with Me

Rejoice with Me

Andrew affectionately named her “Princess Mittens.”  Her big white paws and outgoing personality won us over immediately. Unfortunately her visit was short, but it was very sweet. One evening, as we sat watching T.V., I heard what I thought was a meow.  I asked Andrew if he'd heard it too, then we both listened.  Sure [...]

God’s Grace

God’s Grace

For a time I regretted naming her Grace. This is one of two cat tales that lead to the adoption of our own two kitties. Originally, we referred to her as Scruffy-Cat. She always looked a little disheveled. At first glance the darker markings on her face made her look like a feral street cat. [...]



I'd never even heard the word "mothra" until Andrew uttered it last week. I thought it was the funniest thing.  So last week we had the privilege of watching our neighbor's dog, Charlie. Well… most of it was a privilege. I like to feel useful and she's a pretty easy dog to dogsit. She does, [...]

The Best Medicine: 6 Health Benefits Of Laughter

The Best Medicine: 6 Health Benefits Of Laughter

I don’t normally post twice on Mondays, but my sweet friend and sister in the Lord’s post is so worth sharing. Vivian writes about living life with a TMI (Traumatic Brain Injury), her family, God, and many other wonderful things. I hope you’ll give her post a read.

(Photo credit goes to user funnytools.)


A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance.

~Ecclesiastes 3:4

We can all agree that laughter is a great medicine for stress relief.

Here are 6 reasons I’ve found why laughter improves one’s health:

1) Laughter relieves stress and tension for up to 45 minutes (and we all know stress is a big health crusher).

2) Laughter boosts the immune system by increasing immune cells and infection fighting antibodies which improves the bodies resistance to disease.

3) Increases endorphins released by your brain which result in feelings of well-being and pleasure.

4) Lowers blood pressure. This coexists with the first point because stress is a big culprit of most health issues. Laughter and a good diet can lower blood pressure.

5) Laughter works the abs because the stomach muscles expand and contract just like doing crunches.

6) Laughter improves cardiac…

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Woman or Beast?

Woman or Beast?

Andrew: "I think I hear a woman's voice." I listen… "Bark bark!" Me: "Um, that's a dog." Moments later I start laughing uncontrollably while he's trying to tell me a story. I couldn't stop laughing for a good long while. He had to phone his mom. He always phones his mom when I laugh like [...]