Patience and Compassion

On Thursday Morning I was a bit slow to rise. Ever been there? Ever felt so battle weary and discouraged that you struggle to rise to your feet? I’m going to take a wild stab in the dark that I’m not the only one. 

Nevertheless, here’s a lovely bit of encouraging push: Those who trust God march forward and win. (Or rise and stand firm) The Bible tells us so. 

Some trust in chariots, others in horses, but we trust the Lord our God. They are overwhelmed and defeated, but we march forward and win.

Psalm 20:7-8 (NCV)

So by the grace of God I pulled myself up by my bootstraps, marching myself to the kitchen. After feeding the cats I made a bee line 🐝 for the shower, and when I was suited and booted, I prepared my breakfast and took it outside. 

All I felt was weary as I thought about life. Even slow progress is progress, but I’m far from patient when I’m feeling weary. I want life to feel so much better. I want to be thrilled about the day ahead. I want the struggles to be behind me and I want to soar. 

I knew I would never be able to read and concentrate in the morning chill of the day, so I went back indoors to do some reading and praying.

I read about the compassion of Christ that shone through as Jesus reached out and touched a man with leprosy. I read about how when others distance themselves from us, or we distance ourselves from the crowd, Jesus moves in closer. As we tend to our wounds, He tends to our hearts. 

I marked off ‘Reading’ on my to-do list and opened up my prayer journal. I stopped to read the verse I wrote on the first page. 

“Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning: great is Your faithfulness.” 

Lamentations 3:21-23

I need these reminders. When progress is slow, and I’m slow to rise, I need my Lord and Savior to patiently and compassionately lift my head and my gaze. I can’t do this alone. I’m reminded that Jesus cares for me. He sees that I need His healing touch and His love.

Jesus’ compassion enables us to rise again and come boldly before His throne to receive what we need to march forward and win. Praise God for His great compassion. 

Jesus: The Compassionate ❤

“When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”

Matthew 9:36 (NIV) 

I really love this song. I’m sure Mathew Parker will lead the praise party in heaven.

(Photo credit goes to user diego_torres.)

25 thoughts on “Patience and Compassion

  1. I am so thankful for Jesus’ compassion. And for the little reminded we find when we are struggling. Life can be hard to navigate. Discouragement can stand tall like a mountain in front of us. But how amazing that we can rely on God’s mercy, grace, and faithfulness. Every day. Blessings, friend ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. No your not the only one feeling that. But you have reminded me of something really important. The world does seem such a small place with little to raise the spirits when my eyes are looking downwards to the ground. Lift my gaze and suddenly it’s a much bigger world. With much to be thankful for. It’s hard to be thankful when all you can see is some well worn New Balance running shoes. Thank you Tina ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This is a beautiful reminder Tina….
    I’d like to spend few moments smiling and thinking about God’s grace nd compassion especially when the world seems to walk away and abandon us especially in these times. We are back to lockdown days here and the economy is terrible. Hospitals are working over capacity and it’s getting a bit much in every way just to survive. But, in our isolation, God is with us… 🙂
    xoxo my cyber twin.


    1. Thanks Rue. I’m so sorry that you’re back to lockdown. We’re supposed to come out of lockdown, but I’m sure it will be extended as the numbers are rising here as well. Sorry everything is getting so hard where you are. Is that India? Yes, that’s right. God is with us. ❤

      xoxo back at you my cyber twin. ❤❤❤❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Tina, An inspirational post! Yes, God should be glorified, for Great is His faithfulness, His compassions never fail, and wonderous is His love! I loved the song, and the video scenery was beautiful. Thanks for sharing! Blessings and love! 💛🌼💗🌺


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