
First Blog Goal: Hone Layers

Originally, I meant for this blog to be recreational–a way to cultivate a couple of my layers: my creative side and my playful side. Really, I was trying to recapture my joy.

My vision was for it to be fun, whimsical and at times quirky. The stuff that brings life to life.

However, it wasn’t long before I realized that my layers can’t be separated and isolated so easily. They can be hidden. But that’s an entirely different matter.

Furthermore, who we are can become a dim reflection through times of trial, challenges and endurance. People speak of losing themselves. It’s difficult to find yourself on your own, and recreation alone isn’t the answer.

Like an Onion, but not!

Unlike an onion, our layers are fused together. As one they form our personality and character. Some layers run very deep, emerging in everything we do.

My love for Jesus is one of my deepest layers. He is ever present in my life because nothing can separate those who know Jesus from His love. This, too, is expressed in what I write. Really, I can’t help it. I love God, and all that it means to belong to Him is too good not to express and share.


I chose to use a nickname for my blog title because I’m sentimental. More than this, nicknames are powerful. Not only are they an expression of our fondness for one another, but they can also remind us of who we are or who we’re meant to be.

Jesus sometimes chose nicknames for His disciples. Though His disciples were His students, He called them His friends because they knew His business (John 15:15 )–that is, to do His father’s will. Essentially to be a friend of God you must become a servant of God, as Jesus came to serve, not to be served.

Therefore, God chose new names to remind His people of their purpose. For a full explanation, read John MacArthur’s blog post [here]. It’s a great blog series.

Nicknames can also reflect the characteristics that we need to keep in check or abandon. For example: when my husband started calling me The Garbage Fairy. Though I found this quite humorous, I didn’t particularly appreciate the nickname! Fairy is cute though. 🧚‍♂️

Pippi is a great nickname! It expresses my playful side, which I can hide or lose in the struggles of life. Pippi also reminds me of my purpose: to go and sow, since a pip is a seed.

Second Blog Goal: Enjoyment

Life can become difficult and challenging. In times like these we can lose our wonder and joy. This means that we do need reminders to enjoy life, including enjoying the presence of God. Encouraging others to draw close to Him and know Him is what makes our joy complete (or full) because it’s exactly what we–who are called to share the Good News about Jesus–were made for.

“We saw it, we heard it, and now we’re telling you so you can experience it along with us, this experience of communion with the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Our motive for writing is simply this: We want you to enjoy this, too. Your joy will double our joy!”

1 John 1-3(MSG)

Since God is such a big part of the tapestry that makes up who I am, and I am called to serve and share, there will definitely be some deep and meaningful hues to my writing. Hopefully some of my hidden layers will begin to shine through as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read. God Bless you and keep you.

–Tina ❤❤❤❤❤

31 thoughts on “Purpose

  1. All great reasons/purposes to have a blog.
    I never knew that about Jesus calling Peter by either of his names according to circumstance. That’s a truly human touch. ☺

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Neither did my husband and I! It’s really a wonderful eye opener, and a fascinating insight! Yes, definitely a truly human touch. Jesus walked as a man, but He loved as a Father. He meant what He said, “I and the Father are One” ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Sweetest Tina, I love this. What a blessing you are. Your heart for the Lord and your kindness shine through with every word you write. I am glad to have ‘met you’ here in the blogging world and am grateful you are sharing your life with us!

    I look forward to your posts and pray nothing but the absolute best of God’s favor for your future. Much love and many blessings to you sweet Tina! ♥

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I don’t remember the stories, but I do remember reading Pippi Longstocking. Whenever I wear braids my dad or my father-in-law calls me Pippi… and a fellow blogger nicknamed me Pippi because I got on this streak of using a lot of “P”s in my posts like the Pippi from Mr. Poppers Penguins. So I went with it as a blog theme. All my categories are “P”s that was a bit of a challenge. 😃

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love this little description!! And especially the idea of layers and Jesus being the deepest layer❤️

    Your blog does remind me of bright, happy and encouraging thoughts! ❤️


  4. This is lovely! Based on what I read previously from your other blog, I feel like the nickname still pretty much sums up who you are as a wonderful person and daughter of God. I am looking forward to reading more of your works here, Tina!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Well, my friend…here’s my email: poeticallyyours360@yahoo.com
    I want to send you my book… and I also want you to pray about doing a couple guest appearance on my podcast…It Matters will be the title… still working on getting in position… been trying to do too many things and do not have a routine that allows for that. So, God willing I will make the necessary changes…
    Tina as well know that I truly appreciate your poetry, your love for God and your encouraging and supporting words. Take care!


    1. I so understand trying to do too many things. I’m backing away from blogging for a bit of a Spring break to focus on a few things. But I did write in my post today that I might pop in from time to time. A guest appearance would count as popping in, so I will pray about that Tony. I’m humbled and honored that you want to include me in that and I would LOVE to recieve your book. That would be so special to me. I appreciate you as well, Tony. So much. I will pray, double check with the hubby that he’s okay with you sending your book and get back to you shortly. Stay amazing!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The book is a ebook…it is simplier to send through an email… that’s why I posted my email…so you could email me, without putting your email for everybody to see it! Also it would be easier to explain the dynamics of the podcast…
        I pray that God covers you and your husband with peace and refresh you to soar like an eagle!


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