Scary and Funny

Don’t worry about the Corona virus. Stay indoors if my husband is driving. That’s scary. I think I saved a guys life today.

So we had to go out to get a few groceries. Normally we order our groceries online, and usually it’s no problem to get things delivered the next day. Well, online orders are backed up a week, so on Monday morning I ordered groceries to be delivered the following Monday.

We didn’t need much food, but the cat food was running low and I really needed dish liquid, so we ventured out. Wow! Our grocery store looks like it’s been ransacked. I almost couldn’t find dish soap. I finally found a couple of bottles and grabbed those. The other Isle that was nearly empty was the potato chip isle. There are so many health nuts out there…

As we’re driving home Andrew pulls into an intersection and starts to turn. I say to him, “Hun, don’t run over that guy. Don’t run over that guy! Why are you running over that guy!!?”

Let’s just say that guy won’t fear the Corona virus today. He’ll have a new found fear of vehicles coming towards him. Andrew swerved, and the guy couldn’t figure out which way to run, but thankfully my words snapped Andrew out of it! He thanked me (a couple of times), and if that guy had known that I probably saved his life I’m sure he’d be thanking me too.

It was a scary moment, but after the fact I found my words funny: Why are you running over that guy!!? Hey, it’s a good question. (Lol…) I laughed so much that tears we’re streaming down my face.

I had to touch my face! I was trying not to touch my face! I better not get the Corona virus after that good deed.

I don’t know what happened there. I have no idea why Andrew didn’t see that guy, but it’s a good thing for both fellows that I was a co-pilot today. I guess I’m good for something.

Thank you, Lord, that Andrew didn’t run over that guy! Why was he running over that guy!!?

(Photo credit goes to user Free-Photos.)

17 thoughts on “Scary and Funny

    1. Oh good. We both got a good laugh out of it, too, but it was definitely a scary moment. I feel so bad for that poor guy. I’m sure we must have shaken him up a bit.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. You had me laughing at that too! “Why are you running over that guy?” LOL. Although it was scary, I am thankful it ended well. I have saved my husband from a couple of incidents too, while he was driving. And yes sadly our grocery store looks sad too. Praying for you and for all through this challenging time. Keep up the laughter. It helps keep our spirits up when things around us look so scary.


    1. It’s so funny to me because that was my spontaneous reaction. Lol. Not, “Stop!!!!” I had to choose a long worded question. Lol… 😂 Yes, laughter is needed.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Thanks so much, Tina – you made me laugh out loud this morning. 😂😂😂
    The way you wrote that was ace. 😁 I’m thinking poor Andrew has a lot on his mind right now. Anyway, I’m glad no one was hurt. x


    1. Ouch! Yes, the world feels a little off kilter. Your door must have shifted too…lol. Sorry to hear that. First you’re startled by a farmer then you get smacked by a wall. Laughing definitely helps. ☺


  3. It is so good when we can laugh at a situation. I remember years ago at a mid-week church service. The regular pianist was not there so the assistant pastor asked me to play. I was on the platform before the service so he could show me what songs he wanted. Then, taking one step backwards, i was suddenly bouncing off the floor. Talk about embarrassing, but I couldn’t stop laughing. Every time I thought about it I would start all over, whether in bed at night or driving down the street. I didn’t live it down very quickly either. Everyone came running but miraculously I was back on my feet in the blink of an eye. I think there must have been angels assisting me that night. I landed right on my tailbone, but didn’t have any pain after. Another potentially disastrous situation that ended up in laughter. Thanks for sharing. Keep your eyes open when Andrew is driving. 🙂 God bless.


    1. Yes, I definitely understand laughing after an embarrassing situation. I didn’t used to. I used to be very shy and closed off, but the Lord has worked hard to bring me put of my shell. I’m thankful for that. It’s no fun being in a shell.

      I will definitely keep my eyes open when Andrew is driving. I’m the co-pilot. It’s my job. ☺


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