A New Leaf

As I came in from my walk today I said to Andrew, “I feel as if I’m about to turn over a new leaf. But I have to be careful to turn it over slowly.”

He says to me, “Uh huh, or else you’ll fall off your lilly pad.”

That’s about right.

Then he added, “So you’re worried about turnover, huh?”

Yep, I’m very worried about turnover. No, not really. Just thinking about things and trying not to do what I always do when my hope starts to climb–that is, I take off running and either trip over myself or I nose dive when the slightest wind blows. So slow. Slow sounds good. Maybe I’m finally catching on. There is hope for me yet.

Hope Rises…

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”

Romans 15:13 (ESV)

(Photo credit goes to Pixabay.com user JillWellington.)

13 thoughts on “A New Leaf

  1. I know that feeling. You just seem to be starting to take off, most things moving in the right and suddenly you find yourself on the floor. Sheepishly looking around to see if anyone noticed you fall. And you start again… I guess that’s my life. But we keep getting up. Always hope.

    So so hope it turns over and it’s simply stunning for you.

    Had to smile. I had just finished a post called wet leaf and read this. Just made a rapid rewrite. It’s funny how these happen.


  2. Although I am very sorry that you have been going through a difficult season, I can also see how God is using this time to not only teach you some things, but also teach the rest of us some things. Thanks for this reminder that sometimes change needs to happen slowly. I needed this message. Blessings! πŸ’œ


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