Tired Management

Tired Management

Photo credit: Pexels Sometimes the road is long. Sometimes the work schedule takes it out of you. Fatigue not only affects us physically it can also lead to spiritual lethargy. The rubber simply isn't meeting the road. You're tired and flat. Back before I ventured down the college path, I planned to write a post on [...]

Not in Service

Not in Service

FYI and to whom it may concern, I will be taking a blogging break. I have no idea how long I will be taking, but your prayers would be appreciated while I'm out of service. Thank you. Well.... not really out of service. More like run into the ground, burnt out and in dire need [...]

Gone Fishing

Gone Fishing

Pooped, tired, out of gas… I don't like taking breaks! I fight it tooth and nail! However, when the alarm went off this morning all I wanted to do was go back to bed. That's never a good sign. I'm going to sit this week out. Though I have plenty in my drafts to share, [...]



T-ried I-t didn't work R-eally don't have any energy  E-nded up back in bed D-oh T-omorrow I-t could happen R-eally, anything is possible E-veryone needs hope D-on't count me out T-urtles are still slower than I am I-could take 'em in a three legged race R-eally, I could  E-ven young grow tired and weary D-ream [...]



Having Hashimoto's Disease means that my body doesn't cooperate as I would prefer it to. It's been this way for over a decade now. Tuesday night I woke up only a few hours after I went to bed. When I haven't slept well I can't function. I can push myself, but it tends to create [...]

Fight Songs #2

Fight Songs #2

I felt my mood shifting last night... woke up depressed this morning. I can't listen to the usual music when I feel this way. I need fight songs. "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God."Psalm 20:7 Fireflight Wind can mean power.... God utilizes everything. https://youtu.be/I87im7jpUd0 [...]