

The expression of approval or admiration for someone or something.

Does Jesus have our approval and admiration?

This is a great question! If He doesn’t then we have to ask ourselves, why? What are we missing? 

To be honest, I’ve really been struggling with praise. As I’ve been so all over the place physically and emotionally everything has been such a push for me. It’s easy to get lost and lose focus in that, but God is truly amazing. (I guess that’s some praise right there.)

When we’re lost He does redirect us. Then, He often confirms the course through Scripture or others around us. Even my own poetry can be a striking confirmation for me. This gives me confidence that I’m moving in the right direction.  

What does praise do and why should we do it?

Praise shifts our perspective. It changes our attitude. It causes us to look at the facts and the truth. If we say that God is good we should ask why He’s good. As we count the ways that He’s good it lifts our mood and brings us joy.

We should Praise Him because the Lord is worthy. It also draws us closer to Him because it makes us thankful as we do.

Meditate on it…

Jesus is our shelter and our protection. He is our firm foundation. These are all praises. When we look at all the good things He has done, praise becomes easier because it’s right there for us to see. 

The solution to my struggle with praise (which was truly a God lead solution) is to read through the Psalms and make a list of reasons why the Lord is worthy of my praise. I’ve also started reading through the book of John. I’m trusting that the combination will be plenty to get me refocused. On those days when I’m struggling the most I can pull out my list and contemplate these things, giving Him some praise.

Looking at the good things He has done in our lives helps, too, but this isn’t as easy to see when you’re in a battle. Therefore, looking at the unchangeable facts straight from Scripture helps so much.

Sometimes praise takes push. So do many aspects of walking by faith. Thankfully, Jesus not only delights in seeing the work begin, but He also finishes what He starts, providing every nudge we need. We just have to be ready and willing to take His direction and help when He does. He can help us with that as well. We just have to ask.

We praise Jesus for the great things He has done, for He is worthy of our praise.

“But I will hope continually and will praise you yet more and more.” ❤

Psalm 71:14

I can’t get the video for one of my favorite praise songs to work. However, Pat Barrett gives a great explanation of his song “Build My Life” in the video below. In a world where trouble comes and things can change in a heartbeat a solid unshakable foundation is a reassuring thing. If you haven’t heard this song I hope you’ll look it up and have a listen.

“On the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wondrous works, I will meditate. They shall speak of the might of Your awesome deeds, and I will declare Your greatness. They shall pour forth the fame of Your abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of Your righteousness.” ❤

Psalm 145:1-7

Those who, under troubles and temptations, abound in fervent prayer, shall in due season abound in grateful praise, which is the true language of holy joy. ❤

Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary

(Photo credit goes to user Peggychoucaire.)

18 thoughts on “Praise

  1. The wonder of God brings me to praise, the hovering of a hummingbird by flowers, beautiful sunrises, and sunsets, light shine through the clouds, the miraculous beauty of babies, flowers in full bloom, a meadow of wildflowers, the beauty of a song, and the blessing of God’s love surrounding me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! These things should bring us to praise Him. He has created so many beautiful things for us to enjoy. I never lose my wonder in His creations. I’ve taken pictures of the bark of a tree because I think it’s so cool! How did He do that!? 😃

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      1. I know, I’ve taken photos of tree bark too. The other day a hummingbird came right up to me circling around while I was outside watering, unfortunately, my camera was inside. God’s work is amazing!🌟

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      1. Yes, it is very easy to focus on the negatives. Too easy I’m affraid. And quite the shame. It’s time to rise and shine. I so hope I can live up to those last words. I’m definitely going to need God’s help. Thankfully, there’s always His grace.

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  2. I was thinking about praise this morning while listening to a worship album. The lyrics I suppose is taken from psalm. It goes like ” you are good and your mercy is for ever” and it got me thinking about how I find it easy to say God is good when things are fine and how hard it becomes to say God is good when things go bad. I came to the conclusion that praise is deliberate and like you said something that I should meditate upon so that I can have a deep appreciation of the person and nature of God through good and bad times.

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  3. So true that Praise shifts our focus back to Him. Praise has to be intentional. One of the things I heard recently was that when we are our valley moments- our voice echos in a valley. So if we speak out praise and scripture that is what echoes back to us and we keep hearing that, surrounding ourselves with those praise echoes and it strengthens us. And there is less room for doubt and Satan’s lies to discourage us and weaken our trust.


  4. Yes and Amen! The Lord has been laying the importance of praise (and reading the Psalms) on my heart the past couple of months. It has been such an eye opening experience. When I feel down about something, praising Him truly turns my mood around. He is so amazing and awesome! May praise always be in our hearts and on our lips! ❤️

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  5. Ahhh love this post friend!!
    I love what you said here: “Even my own poetry can be a striking confirmation for me. This gives me confidence that I’m moving in the right direction.”

    You are so right, I’m blessed by reading my own posts because God teaches me through those thoughts❤️

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