True Beauty Tips

About three years ago I became very sensitive to hair colouring so I decided I’d ditch the dye. My ears were insanely itchy! I wanted to stop colouring eventually, anyways, so I went for it. I failed the first attempt. As those silver strands started to appear at the top of my head I wasn’t so sure about this anymore. I caved and bought another box of dye. However, my second ditch effort the next month stuck. I’ve had terrible hair ever since! Victory!!!

I don’t hate my naturally greying locks.  Actually, I kind of appreciate some of the silver highlights, but undyed hair isn’t nearly as manageable, especially when you have fine hair. Dye seems to plump up your strands some.

The little wiry hairs that stick up at the top of my head particularly drive me crazy. I try to straighten them with a flat iron. I’ve tried gel, mousse, hairspray and numerous other products to get them to lay flat. A hat always works best! 

An Eagle Eye for Detail?

Have you ever heard that bald eagles go through some awkward plumage growth before their crown of white feathers grows in completely?  That’s how I sometimes feel about myself and my hair.

I know that I can be over-critical of myself. I can be a bit of a perfectionist too. I once told my dad that it’s the curse of having an eye for detail, but you know what?  I don’t look at those I love this way; I love them for what’s in their hearts. In fact, because I love them, it’s always so wonderful to see their faces, hear their voices and be in their presence. (Unless they get too noisy. Inside joke. Some days require an inside voice.) Because we love God it’s the same thing; we seek His face, His voice and we want to be in His presence.


One of the biggest reasons we can be so critical of ouselves is the fear of rejection. (Even self-acceptance can be difficult.) If you’ve ever been teased or bullied, that fear will likely be even higher. 

However, Scripture tells us that there was nothing in Jesus’ appearance to draw us to Him. (Isaiah 53:2) He came humbly as a man, not appearing to have the glory expected of a Messiah. Therefore he was rejected, yet Jesus did draw some crowds. Even today He still draws people to Him.

It’s who Jesus is that draws us in; it’s His kindness; it’s His mercy; it’s His compassion; it’s His great love; and so much more. When I see these qualities in the people I care about it draws me to them as well. ❤

Go Ahead, Make Yourself Look Good

There’s nothing wrong with making ourselves look good, in fact God even approves of this. However, God is a good father; therefore what matters the most to Him is what’s in our hearts. 

“Put on nice clothes, and make yourself look good.”

Ecclesiastes 9:8(NCV)

What’s in the Heart

We have a great example in the Old Testament of God looking at the heart. When the Lord sent Samuel to anoint a new king, Samuel looked at Eliab (Jesse’s eldest son) and assumed that he was the one to be annointed. The Lord corrected him. It was David (the youngest son) who would become king.

“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

–1 Samuel 16:7

True Beauty

True beauty comes from God Himself, who makes us beautiful by saving us through our Lord Jesus Christ, even though we did nothing to deserve His great love and mercy. That’s amazing grace.

“For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation.”


(Photo credit goes to Gabrielankia.)

28 thoughts on “True Beauty Tips

  1. Well I think you look very beautiful. You should try coming to Yorkshire we tend to have a very windswept and slightly damp look. It is what’s inside that really counts. Which is a good job in certain Yorkshire blokes cases. Inside is where important stuff is found. That’s where the real beauty is. Thats where faith is. That’s where love is. That’s where hope grows.


  2. 🙂 The promised post on true beauty! Thanks. I just had some pictures taken for my kids during this time that we are apart. The photographer gave the option of “touching up” the photos. I opted out. I figure the big crease through my forehead and grey hair and sagging chin is just proof of having lived and focused on what matters. It would be very interesting if our outer appearance reflected our hearts.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This brought tears to my eyes. I am so thankful we have a loving Savior who models true beauty, and a loving Father who shapes us to have that true beauty. Thank you for sharing this. You look great with or without the hat. LOL. Blessings to you, my friend. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Bridget! 😂 Yes, I am thankful for that example of true beauty as well.

      Now I’m obsessing because my hair has been getting frizzy. Not using the right shampoo and conditiiner. Lol… Blessings back at ya. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. The silver highlights look good! I have curly frizzy hair, so it mainly stays in a ponytail. 😊 What really matters is on the inside, being humble, kind, compassionate, and to share God’s love. Great post Tina! 🌟✨


  5. What is inside truly does matter. I do believe in being comfortable with no make up and messy hair.
    But I must confess when we were in lockdown and I could not get to my hairdresser and I was very much overdue for it. I started off thinking it is just hair but after a couple of month I was looking forward to the restrictions lifting so I could feel civilised again 😁.


  6. You look beautiful with or without the grays and your inner beauty sets off the best features!!
    I also have fine hair and the grays love to stand on end..I guess it’s whatever!
    Great post and inspiring words my friend!!


  7. Wow Tina….you are so beautiful inside out. Love your beady eyes….
    One of the biggest reasons we can be so critical of ouselves is the fear of rejection…..I liked this line a lot….makes me think of some things.😍🎀😍🎀😍😍🎀🎀😍🎀😍


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